Thursday 16 May 2013

The Best Vitamin Supplement for Women

Most women do not get all the nutrients their bodies need from diet alone. Even though it is advisable to eat a variety of healthful foods, it can be hard to ensure complete nutrition just from food. Going for a multi-vitamin is one way to consume the vitamins necessary for optimal health. Some women take individual vitamins instead of or perhaps in addition to their daily multi-vitamin. Certain vitamins for women, especially those of child-bearing age.


Women of childbearing age must take a supplement with 400 mcg of folate, or folate, each day. Folate helps to prevent neural tube birth defects. Types of these birth defects include spina bifida and anencephaly. Because the neural tube develops at the start of pregnancy, it is important to take this vitamin before a lady even realizes she is pregnant.


Women must take calcium to help build bone mass within their early years, lessening the possibility that they will be affected by osteoporosis, that is a loss of bone density. Women younger than 24 should take 1,200 mg of calcium daily. When a woman is 25, she will safely reduce her consumption of calcium to 800 mg each day.


Each month, a woman loses some iron through menstruation. Supplementing with 15 mg of iron each day can help women avoid an iron deficiency anemia, a condition that can cause paleness, headaches, and fatigue. Iron could be taken in supplement form or through foods for example meat, fish, peas, beans, and spinach. Taking excessive levels of iron can be harmful, so women should seek medical health advice before taking more than 15 mg of iron supplements each day.

Vitamin D

Studies have shown Vitamin D to become helpful in protecting women against colon and cancer of the breast. There is some evidence that Vitamin D supplementation can raise defense mechanisms function, preventing colds and influenza. Vitamin D may also regulate the levels of calcium within your body. Women should consume a the least 400 IU of this vitamin each day. Women, who are obese or who've dark skin, should speak with their doctors about taking a lot more than the minimum recommended amount. Good sources include sunlight, milk and Vitamin D3 supplements.

Ascorbic acid

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that will help prevent some cancers, heart disease, strokes, hypertension and cataracts. Ascorbic acid deficiency can lead to rickets, a disease that triggers bleeding, bruising, hair loss, loose teeth and pain. Women should consume 75 mg of Ascorbic acid per day. Women who smoke require more secrets for Vitamin C, and should consume 110 mg each day. Good dietary sources of Ascorbic acid include citrus fruits, strawberries, red peppers and broccoli. Natural and artificial Vitamin C supplements are also available.

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