Tuesday 9 February 2016

Best Natural Treatment For Whiteheads

Whiteheads are an annoying problem that can cause your complexion to appear less than perfect, and it is most common in teens and young adults. Whiteheads or comedones are more common in people with acne prone skin, and these small blemishes occur when your pores become clogged. Similar to blackheads, comedones can also be easily treated at home to help keep your skin looking fresh and clear.

Other causes include unhealthy diet, stress, acne, smoking and unclean face. The symptoms are similar to those of acne, only difference is that whiteheads are not painful. Whiteheads are easy to remove and can be prevented at home, by using these remedies.              
Lemon Juice 

lemon juice help lighten dark under eye circles and unsightly blemishes, it is also effective in removing whiteheads. The properties contained in lemon juice will help to decrease the amount of oil being produced by your skin that is causing your pores to become clogged and inflamed. Simply wipe a cotton ball dipped in fresh lemon juice across your face to loosen and remove whiteheads while also helping to reduce the appearance of oily skin care.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is amazing with whiteheads. It deals with dead and oily skin dirt. It also regulates the PH. Make thick paste using water. Apply this to the whitehead then let it sit for a few minutes then rinse it off. Do this repeatedly and your skin will be fine. Do not use baking soda if your skin is sensitive.


Facial steaming is another way of removing whiteheads. Steaming softens the pores and you can then easily remove the whiteheads treat with a good exfoliating scrub. Remember to steam your face at least once or twice in a week.

Sandalwood Paste

There are numerous skin uses for sandalwood oil and sandalwood paste. Sandalwood paste has been used for centuries as a beauty treatment by women for achieving bright and beautiful skin and it has become a popular ingredient in skin care products. 

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