While picking out a card for your boyfriend at a store is thoughtful, a homemade birthday card is a great way to show him how much he means to you. It allows you to be creative and add elements to the card that are specific to your relationship.
Design The cards:
Select a base sheet of paper from a variety of textures, colors, finishes, thicknesses, and patterns. Make sure to use a base paper that is thick enough to hold the weight of your embellishments, like card stock. If your paper isn't already folded, mark and press a line in the center using a bone folder. Then follow your line to fold the paper in half.

Write your message on the card. You can type it, use letter stickers, cut out words or letters from magazines and newspapers, or write it in calligraphy. Colored pens come in handy during this step, but if you're going to write the message, be sure to practice on other paper first. It's smart to write the message on a separate paper and attach it to your card stock or base paper.
Add embellishments. This is your chance to be creative. Add ribbons, stickers, buttons, and other decorative elements. Personalize the card for your boyfriend. Make it intimate by adding a favorite picture of the two of you.
Package your card. You can wrap your card in a colored or clear envelope or a decorative bag, or add it as a complement to a present. Hiding the card in a comic book or novel he likes can also create a special surprise.
Things You'll Need
- Card stock
- Scissors
- Adhesives
- Black ink pen
- Metal ruler
- Patterned paper
- Decorative materials (Stickers, ribbon, buttons, etc.)
Tips & Warnings:
- Don't throw out scrap paper. You can use it for paper punches or embellishments.
- Keep a notepad next to your bed so you can jot down ideas about your homemade card while falling asleep.
- If you use a photograph and aren't sure what color to use for mounting, select a color that is in the photograph.
- To add feathery edges, dip a paintbrush in water and paint an abstract shape on your paper. Pull apart the paper using your hands.
- Cover small mistakes with embellishments.
- Put clear nail polish on the ends of ribbon to keep it from fraying.
I love your Birthday Cards for Boyfriend design. Keep sharing more awesome card ideas.