Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Drug Abuse Among Teenagers

The problem of teenagers substance abuse is not something that has popped up in recent times. It has been one of the unsolved issues because so many decades now. And with modernization, the issue seems as if it is never likely to leave. There could be a myriad of reasons for this problem, and there are also several kinds of complications associated with it.

What Triggers Teenagers to get at Drug Abuse?

Prescription Drug Abuse

It has been found to be one of the most common reasons for drug addiction, especially in the teens. The word 'prescription drug abuse', is plainly understood to be a condition wherein, the prescribed prescription medication is not used in a way a doctor recommends the patient to. Meaning, the individual takes higher doses from the drugs and even if his/her illness is cured. The drugs that are common in this cases include all kinds of pain killers, drugs for anxiety or sleep problems, and drugs for triggering stimulant activities. It's been found that most teenagers begin using these prescription drugs with a thought that they are safer than using illicit drugs.

No communication
One of the potent causes of substance abuse in teens is really a space that creeps in communication, probably in the parents' side. Most teens might have this notion that their parents may not care about them abusing the drugs. Which means this stresses on the importance of communication between children and parents. It is most likely that, knowing about the particular dangers and health concerns of substance abuse, would help teenagers to avoid the habit of smoking. So, work with your kids to check out some real information by means of statistics and medical explanation concerning the side effects of drug abuse.

Insufficient Supervision
Parental supervision may either save teenagers from engaging in the grips of substance abuse or saving them from this. Parents must give importance that their children are still in their teens. This occurs to be an age where they stay probably the most vulnerable to get involved in all the undesirable things within their lives. Get involved in your kids' life and inform them that you are interested in what they do so when they do. If you are one of those parents who let their kids do whatever they please, you might be providing your children having a fine opportunity to get exposed to drugs. Its likely that your kids might not understand the fact that you are trying to interfere an excessive amount of in their lives. However, it's also true that, if you do so, your children would be the ones to thank you later within their lives, when they achieve a matured degree of understanding about all the repercussions of substance abuse. So don't be too stringent about nor too aloof out of your kids' life.

Easily Available
The reality is that teenagers get to learn the majority of the things from their parents. Being a parent, if you are throwing a party where alcohol is served, your kids would take it like a clear cue or message, you have no objection to alcohol consumption. This is where, you stand to function as the main offender for encouraging your children to get vulnerable for substance abuse. Also, most parents unknowingly let their children have access to alcohol, cigarettes, as well as prescription medications, when they are not at home. Even just in this way, teenagers may use this carelessness of the parents as an opportunity to a minimum of try using all such stuffs.

Stress Causing Factors
Broken relationships, issues in the household, stress caused due to pressure from peers, studies load, etc., are the common factors which trigger stress in teenagers' life. These could also be the causes which bring them to resort to the use of drugs.

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